JavaScript Numbers

As we begin to understand Javascript and how this language works, it is important to understand numbers and how to interact with them. We have used numbers quite a bit already, including our FizzBuzz function that uses conditionals to identify multiples of 3 and 5 and in the use of arrays to contain a multitude of numbers. They are everywhere. We will be discussing some of the common properties and methods available to us. The following is intended to be a reference and introduction. Further questioning and research is encouraged. Let's start with a quick review on the number type.

All numbers, both integers and fractional decimals, are considered the type number in JavaScript. JavaScript's numbers are based on the IEEE 754 standard, also known as 'floating-point', specifically the 'double precision' format (64-bit binary). You can read more about the specification if you're a numbers nerd. We create them in a literal fashion as follows:

// create a number
var number = 22.347;
typeof number; // 'number'

It's as simple as that! Now that we have a number, we need to learn how to perform some common tasks with numbers. Let's look at some of the properties and methods available to us.


Numbers can go on forever, but not in JavaScript. Eventually it just gets too big to handle. This property represents the maximum numeric value representable in JavaScript, which is 1.79E+308. Values larger than MAX_VALUE are represented as Infinity.

var bigNumber = Number.MAX_VALUE;
console.log(bigNumber); // 1.7976931348623157e+308


Again numbers can go on forever, but eventually it just makes sense to call it zero. This represents the smallest positive numeric value representable in JavaScript, which is 5e-324. Values smaller than MIN_VALUE are converted to 0.

var smallNumber = Number.MIN_VALUE;
console.log(smallNumber); // 5e-324


If we are ever in a situation when dealing with extremely large numbers we can have overflow. Overflow is simply when a number has become larger than Number.MAX_VALUE and cannot be processed by JavaScript. Let's check if a number has exceeded this maximum value and returns infinity.

var bigNumber = Number.MAX_VALUE * 2;
console.log(bigNumber === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) // true
// this property can be very useful in determining whether number are too big for JS to interpret


Converting a number to a string will be an incredibly useful method. Whether we want to store our numerical data as a sting in an array or alert our user that they have "30 seconds left", we will use toString().

var testNumber = 48;
testNumber.toString(); // '48'
// make a basic shot clock
var number = 24;
var statement = ' second shot clock';
var shotClock = number.toString() + statement;
// '24 second shot clock'
// there's a better way, though
var shotClock = number + statement;
console.log(shotClock); // '24 second shot clock'
  When a number is added to a string it will be converted to a string in the process through coercion


This is useful if you have a number with a lot of decimal places and you want to be exact in those you see. It can also be useful for working with money. It returns the number as a string with the number of decimal places given. You will incur rounding.

var myNumber = 55.39821;
myNumber.toFixed(2); // '55.40' ... and perfect for money
myNumber.toFixed(4); // '55.3982'
myNumber.toFixed(6); // '55.398210'


Similarly to toFixed, this will return a string with a number written to a specified length. If you know you are going to display a number, but are limited to a certain number of characters, this could be useful.

var num = 391.590093;
num.toPrecision(3); // '392'
num.toPrecision(4); // '391.6'
num.toPrecision(5); // '391.59'


It may be useful to check if your value is an integer. An integer for our purposes is a whole number (no decimals). Anything with a decimal is considered a floating point number. This can be confusing at times, because in JavaScript they are all the same type.

var number = 55.79;
console.log(Number.isInteger(number)); // false....remember integers are whole numbers


Sometimes you want to show a number in exponential format, especially with big numbers. This method returns a string, with a number rounded using exponential notation.

var num = 54483290;
num.toExponential(); // '5.448329e+7'
num.toExponential(2); // '5.45e+7'
num.toExponential(4); // '5.4483e+7'
num.toExponential(6); // '5.448329e+7'
num.toExponential(8); // '5.44832900e+7'

Sometimes we need to convert other types to a number. We have some helper methods to do that.

  • Number()
  • parseInt()
  • parseFloat()


This is used to convert other types directly to a number. If it cannot be converted to a number it returns NaN. The + can also be used as a shorthand method.

Number('55'); // 55
Number('abc'); // NaN
// + shorthand
var numStr = '123';
+numStr; // 123


If you have a string and need to parse a number from it this is your friend. This method will parse a string and return a whole number (no decimal places). Spaces are allowed. Only the first number is returned. If the number cannot be converted NaN is returned.

var num = '155.55';
parseInt(num); // 155
num = '5 10 15';
parseInt(num); // 5 ... only returns first match
num = '100 dollars'; 
parseFloat(num); // 100
num = 'dollars 100';
parseFloat(num); // NaN


Just like the above, this method parses a string and returns a number, including decimal places. Spaces are allowed. Only the first number is returned. If the number cannot be converted NaN is returned.

var num = '220.10';
parseFloat(num); // 220.10
num = '5.08 10.1';
parseFloat(num); // 5.08 ... only returns first match
num = '100 dollars';
parseFloat(num); // 100
num = 'dollars 100';
parseFloat(num); // NaN

We have just touched on the tip of the iceberg. There are a vast array of both methods and properties that can help when dealing with numbers. As we always sign off, visit MDN for a full list of methods and keep this lesson in the back of your mind when solving a numerical problem in JavaScript. These methods and properties will surely help.

Further Reading: